The wide spread belief that anything sautéed in butter with garlic is delicious. So that is how the luffa was cooked.
When the thought of a strange new food is sooooo scary, drown it in butter. And garlic. Or just butter.

These are the luffa sponges we started with.
They got sliced to disguise them a little. It's always best not to know what you are eating if you are afraid of it.
Then I cooked them. With a lot of butter and a half clove of garlic. We didn't have anywhere to go that day.
This was the third time I attempted...
to cook some little luffa sponges which are in the squash family and don't hollow out and turn brown until they have ripened.

The first two times I did not cook them soon enough and luffas, like most produce ripens quickly once it is picked. Within a couple days they were spongy. This time I took them straight from the farm to the cutting board and cooked them. They were not off the vine for half an hour before they were lounging in a hot bath of butter. All the better to eat you with my dear!
They were pretty good. A lot like zucchini but less slimy. I've had much worse things served to me by people who claimed to know how to cook. I will make them again.
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