If you live in the mountains or "Up North" plant some spinach and Swiss Chard. If you aren't expecting any more snow, plant lettuce, beets, carrots and radishes. If you live in the tropics, plant tomatoes.
Non-tropics dwellers: plant tomatoes anyway, just do it indoors. It is time to...
start seedlings of anything that is an annual like basil, peppers or eggplant. (Just plant like 3 eggplant seeds. One plant will be enough to feed your whole family for the year.)
start seedlings of anything that is an annual like basil, peppers or eggplant. (Just plant like 3 eggplant seeds. One plant will be enough to feed your whole family for the year.)
PLANT IT ALREADY! Plant something someplace! It's March! Time to plant and grow!
If you aren't ready, that's fine too. Truth be told, I haven't planted much: a small raised bed of lettuce and one of radishes. There are a few spinach plants in one bed where I dumped no less that 6 packets of seeds! Spinach does not love Dixie.
The onion sets I got on clearance are growing. That's about it. Yesterday we dug the last of the carrots and I tilled some beds.
And guess what? My 90-year-old neighbor hasn't even done that! The neighbor who is always months ahead of me and has corn knee-high by Mother's Day?! He says this year, it's too early.
ReplyDeleteI know to try to do a lot in .. Thank you very much.